Thursday 19 February 2009


Just a quick post to say, I'm lazy. I admit it. I need to fix up the PS13 and get driving. I'm pissed off my stuff hasn't turned up from Japan. Really pissed off. But I still shouldn't be so lazy.

Encourage me to get off my fat ass.


Quail said...

Get your ass in gear so we can do a group photoshoot! I'm arranging it for the first week of April

Jord said...


Quail said...

Is that too soon or too late? Its the only time I'm home for a substantial amount of time!

Jord said...

I dont even think, infact I KNOW my kit won't be here by then. But hopefully I'll have the FC on its ass and wheel'd up by then.

Ben said...


you better get your ass up here and fit my engine then! lol

gah im not making any progress with mine :( depressed at not having a fun car atm and its too cold to go to my dads to work on mine!

Alistair said...

Dude, get off your arse lol, seriously, your car is one of the only uk cars that inspires me to get on with mine, quail:- april is cool, mine should be drivable by then!!!

Anonymous said...

Jord pull your finger out, This shoot needs to be epic!

docwra said...

You are a homo. That is all.