Should be just the ticket for this summer's Nurburgring pilgrimmage, will make a difference driving it in a car that doesn't feel like it could combust at any minute like the paranoia-fest that was summer '08...
So to half-arsedly apologise to the poor Nissan for months of neglect i picked up a new lump of fibreglass which I'm yet to fit properly...

Will get fitted and painted along with the rest of the car, I smell a colour and facial surgery coming in the next month or 2!
We need more pics of that spoiler! Kind of jealous of your 3 series. I'm desperate to get a moderately powered touring!
That was just precariously perched on the bootlid dude, I'm not one for teaser pics but it looks nothing like how it will sit at the moment! And its red...
Patience my friend, plans are afoot for some much needed plastic surgery... :-D
i love you header... R32 FTW!!! I´m british as well. London. I like you blog, keep working.
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